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sobota 18.maj 2024 - 13:12 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Vseh zadnjih 20 prispevkov
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Novejši prispevki: (30)

Note 26.1 Smucarski teki? 1 of 3 ANIMUS::SEVSEK "France Sevsek, MF-Biofizika" 30 lines 1-DEC-1993 18:29
ANIMUS::SEVSEK "France Sevsek, MF-Biofizika" 30 lines 1-DEC-1993 18:29
-< Supermaraton >-
Prav gotovo je med bralci te konference tudi kdo, ki se navdušuje nad
tekaškimi maratoni. Morda bi se za spremembo želel udeležiti maratona
v Rusiji. Tamkajšnji stroški so zelo nizki. Pred nedavnim sem dobil naslednje

Description of the project: The Nizhny Novgorod supermarathon has
been held for many years by the Avtozavod Tourist Club of Nizhny
Novgorod for tourists and mountaineers of the region as a form of
training for the summer sports season, and also for amateur
cross-country skiers. The competition is open to teams and
individuals. The winner of the competition is the team or individual
who completes the most laps, each 25 km, in 24 hours. If two or more
teams/individuals complete the same number of laps, the winner is the
one who covers this distance in the least amount of time. Short
excursions around Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod will be included in the

Feb.21 Arriving in Moscow, excursion, hotel
Feb.22 Excursion, departure to Nizhny Novgorod by night train
Feb.23 Nizhny Novgorod, family accommodation
Feb.24 Excursions
Feb.25 Departure to competition (evening)
Feb.26 10:00 Start of competition
Feb.27 10:00 Finish, departure to Nizhny Novgorod
Feb.28 Relaxation, departure to Moscow
Kogar to zanima, lahko dobi druge podatke pri meni!
Lep pozdrav


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