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Note 44.125 MOUNT-L 125 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 45 lines 18-DEC-1992 07:00
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 45 lines 18-DEC-1992 07:00

Date: 18-Dec-1992
Posted-date: 18-Dec-1992

To Szabad G.

Dear Szabad:

I have been in the M.Blanc twice. I can give you many apointments
about your treap.

You cannot, probably, sleep in the Vallot refuge for two reasons:
One, because it is forbidden. But it is not very important. The
second reasons is worse. The refuge is plenty of shit.

The M. Blanc is easy but high. The problem is the aclimatation.
If you are not aclimatated, a solution is to go up to the refuge of
Tete Rousse (about 3000 meters). Sleep there. Next day go up to the Gouter
refuge. So, you can pass by the dangereus couloir at a good time, when the
rocs doesn't fall, and you sleep at 4000 meters. Next day, go to the top and
go down till Nide d'Aigle. This plan is long but sure. The problem is the nigt
in Gouter. It is plenty of people. Very desagreable. You must reserve the
place in advance.

Next day, probably, you must rest.

I prefer a variant to descent. Go till the l'Aiguille de Midi,
crossing by the M. Maudit and M.Blan du Tacul. It's a very very beautifull
treap but it is long.

If you intent go to the Valle Blanche in summer there is another
question. I think it is not trivial.

Well. You can write me directly. I've several guides (bocks) of the
ascension and if you want I can send you a photocopy.

But it is important to know when do you want to go and if you are well
prepared or not.




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