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Note 44.191 MOUNT-L 191 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 47 lines 9-SEP-1993 07:41
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 47 lines 9-SEP-1993 07:41
Subj: Ski Mountaineering Equipment
Date: 09-Sep-1993
Posted-date: 09-Sep-1993

Hi. I'm Anthony Sebestyen, and I am a ski instructor at Mt. Baldy Ski Lifts
in Mt Baldy, California. For the past couple of weeks I have left inquiries
requesting information about some equipment I will need to ski the backcountry.
I decided instead of asking about each item seperately, I'll just tell all what
I need advise on. I do have some equipment (crampons, boots, ice ax, pack),
but I still need the rest. Here are the things I need advise on:

Avalanche Beacon: I know that all the beacons are going to the European
frequency. What else should I be looking for? Models, prices, options???
I will be using it to help ski patrol cut little cornises, and back country
skiing. I already have a life link shovel.

Avalanche probe ski poles: I am trying to decide between the twist lock and
push button. I have heard mixed opinions on the twist locks. People say they
slip. Which are better? A special thanks to those who have already given
their opinion. Please mention the type, price, experience with, etc...

Interior Frame packs. I have a pack, but it really isn't the best. Its just a
foam backed pack. I'm looking for a pack that will fit enough stuff for the
novice for one day, or an expert for two to three days. Does anyone have the
Dana Bomb pack? How about the Dana Shovit? Any good Lowe packs?

Skins: I know that there are glue-on and strap-on skins. This might be a
stupid question, but do you leave the glue-on skins for the intire time, or
are they peeled off while skiing. What is better, mohair or senthetic?

I'd also like to talk with anyone who loves to ski the backcountry of the
San Gabriels.

I am not a novice at skiing, but I am a novice a backcountry skiing. I plan
to go with experienced ski patrol who also have mountaineering experience. I'm
assuming that there are those out there who have extensive experience with
backcountry skiing or winter mountaineering in general. Any information on
equipment, prices, durability would be appreciated. If anyone has thought of
something that I have left out PLEASE tell me.

Please post to mount-l or you can contact me directly at


Anthony Sebestyen (


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