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petek 24.maj 2024 - 00:04 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Novejši prispevki: (30)

Note 44.196 MOUNT-L 196 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 24 lines 21-SEP-1993 13:01
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 24 lines 21-SEP-1993 13:01
Subj: Expedition Tents

I having been looking to buy a 2 person expedition tent. I have
looked at North Face, Sierra Designs, Bibler, etc. I was considering
the North Face Oval 25 since REI has it on sale for $385 regularly
$495. I have heard that the North Face VE 24/25 has a reputation as
being a bombproof tent, but the VE 25 is $650. I see from the specs
that the Oval 25 has a shallower wind profile and is shorter than the
VE 25, so theoretically it should do better in high winds. I am
interested in anyones opinions on these North Face tents or other
manufacturer's tents.

Willie Hunt


I just subscribed to this group, since I just found out how to. I see
here as with everywhere there are gear heads (gear junkies, or
whatever) like myself. I have been accused of taking too many
ascenders on a caving trip to Ellisons Cave. I don't know, is 6 too
many for a 600 foot drop? I have also been accused of being a
climbing bum. I can remember a time when I went rock climbing only
once a week, but lately it has been everyday. I can't be a true
climbing bum though because I still have a real job.


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