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Note 44.205 MOUNT-L 205 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 32 lines 21-SEP-1993 16:14
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 32 lines 21-SEP-1993 16:14
Subj: Re: Ski Mountaineering Equipment

Date: 21-Sep-1993
Posted-date: 21-Sep-1993

> I have a friend who also has a tangerine dream, and has replaced it using
> their lifetime guarantee when it's loft deteriorates too much. Last time
> he was at TNF, however, the salesman said that they wouldn't be honoring
> the guarantee any more, at least as far as loft loss is concerned.
> -David Veale

That doesn't surprise me at all. I have several friend and have
talked to so many backpackers, rock climbers, mountaineers, cavers,
etc. that have sent bags back because of loft loss. Even at TNF's
prices they are not making money on it if you send it back.
Definitely not if more than once. If TNF will not honor the
guarantee, REI may continue, which is where I bought my Tangerine
Dream. I don't know about the other companies. Most people who buy
bags never use them enough to lose loft. I have 2 Cat's Meows (one
for me and my wife) which I bought last fall, and I have noticed that
both have lost loft compared with new ones in the store. I don't know
exactly, but I would say both bags have had 40 nights use. I think
they still have good insulating power, since I used one in 45 degree
weather a week ago, but I will really know when I use one in 30 degree
weather this fall.

Willie Hunt


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