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Note 44.209 MOUNT-L 209 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 20 lines 22-SEP-1993 08:25
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 20 lines 22-SEP-1993 08:25
Subj: Re: Stephenson warmlite address

Date: 22-Sep-1993
Posted-date: 22-Sep-1993

I don't have their address, but I know that Stephenson is still around. I
just recently had a lengthy discussion about the attributes of the
Stephenson triple layer sleeping bag vs. a Feathered Friends bag.
Try posting to rec.climbing or rec. backcountry, because that's where I
met the guy who I talked about them with. They do
make very high quality stuff from what I've heard, but the costs are up
there, and their sleeping bag has only a nylon shell, not Gore-tex. This
was a big factor in my decision against buying one.

BTW, for those of you who've never heard of them, they are based somewhere
back east (Vermont, I think) and have a very distinctive catalog -- all
the people modeling the equipment are nude 8ČO

-David Veale


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