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Note 44.225 MOUNT-L 225 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 67 lines 11-NOV-1993 10:18
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 67 lines 11-NOV-1993 10:18
Subj: Jokulhlaup
Date: 11-Nov-1993
Posted-date: 11-Nov-1993

I am trying to find out information about a very
specific event that may or may not be happening around
February of 1994 near Lago Argentino in Argentina.
Unfortunately, I do not speak Spanish, nor do I have
the relevant addresses, even if I did. Any information
or assistance getting me closer to my goal will be appreciated.

I hope nobody will mind a semi-lengthy digression explaining the
phenomenon since it will be new and perhaps even interesting to a
large percent of the group.

You must first picture a circle (Lago Argentino - it is a very
large lake). From the southern point of the circle emerges a line
segment (roughly one radius in length) in a SW direction (this is
a feeder lake). Now, from the south end of this segment draw
another one heading SE, roughly one diameter in length (this is
feeder lake 2, feeding feeder lake 1). Now we draw our last line
segment from the end of the previous one heading SW again (parallel
to the first, one diameter long. This is feeder lake 3, feeding
feeder lake 2). Now we add the Andes, a line running north-south
just west of our lakes. (roughly at 50 deg. South, 73 deg. West,
just east of the Argentine-Chile border. Los Glaciares National Park).

This is the situation as it existed before 1945. Then, for
no apparent reason, the Glacier Moreno coming from the mountains,
plowed into, then through, the juncture of feeder lakes 2 and 3.
As is this wasn't enough for it, it then continued up the other
side, uprooting trees and causing all sorts of general mayhem.
This glacier is miles wide, and towers well above the surface of
the lake. Hence, feeder lake 3 is blocked from draining. For
many years the glacier just sat there. Finally, on one day in
the summer, the water finally worked a channel across the ice,
and the entire section of glacier in the water desintegrated in
one day in a massive cataclysm. At the same time, since there
had been no drainage of feeder lake 3, its level was between 20
and 50 feet higher than that of feeder lake 2, hence much
flooding was also in order.

Since that time, the scenario has repeated itself with
increasing regularity, the time period having settled to once
in three years. The last time that I know it has repeated, is
in February of 1988 (which is summer down there). I have
heard that due to the warming trend (or ozone hole?), this
three year cycle is being/has been disrupted, but
I have no further information. It is my dream to see this
spectacular event. If I can determine the month and year that
it is supposed to happen, I can just camp out above, waiting,

But I can seem to find out no further information, and I
am at a loss as to where to try next. The Argentine embassy
promised information which never arrived. The excellent
South American Explorer's Club in Ithaca, NY had no relevant
trip reports filed on it. Even one of the researchers who
did some of the original studies on this phenomenon for
National Geographic has not been able to help me.

Perhaps, though, one of you has been in the area, or will
be going soon. Or maybe you know the best address to write to...
I will be ever so grateful for any tips, clues, leads, etc.

Csaba Gabor


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