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sobota 18.maj 2024 - 12:05 i Informacije

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Note 44.264 MOUNT-L 264 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 39 lines 2-DEC-1993 08:11
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 39 lines 2-DEC-1993 08:11
Subj: The Poetry of Climbing

Greetings climbers,

I read with great interest the account that Willie Hunt posted about his
climb up Grand Teton last week. In his story, Willie conveyed EXACTLY what
makes mountaineering such an intensely enjoyable and challenging sport. This
verbatim quote captures the essence of both the sport and of its participants:

From: william hunt
Subject: Climbing Grand: epilogue

...this stuggle to climb a mountain against impossible weather conditions
suffering pain and physical abuse gave real meaning to a climb even though
we were technically only on the approach.

There are many climbers who put too much emphasis on reaching the summit.
If I really wanted to be sure and reach the summit, I would come "in season,"
or climbed a much easier peak.

After thinking about it, why do I climb anyway? Is it just to reach
the summit? It's the climb that I enjoy. Reaching the summit is just
a moment during the trip.

When I return to Grand sometime to climb "in season," I šknow} that
1.5 miles of the approach will have special meaning to me that many
other climbers may never understand.

Willie Hunt

This is pure mountaineering poetry that hits the 'ol piton right on the head.

Attitudes like this drive the likes of Hillary, Messner, and Bonnington so
ATTABOY Willie, and keep puttin' your snowshoes one in front of the other.

Richard Carl
Systems Analyst at Michigan State University
(...and climber/whitewater fanatic/traveller/photographer/writer)


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