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Note 44.357 MOUNT-L 357 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 32 lines 24-MAR-1994 15:04
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 32 lines 24-MAR-1994 15:04
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=EDU::4=METU::4=CC::4=VM::6=owner-mount-l"
Subj: Ice axes and crampons

From: NAME: Mountaineering Discussion List MOUNT-L
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>
To: NAME: Multiple recipients of list MOUNT-L
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>


Date: 23-Mar-1994
Posted-date: 23-Mar-1994

After years of being stuck in the flats of Southwestern Ontario, I'm
soon going to move to the Canadian Rockies -- a dream come true!

As a rock climber I've got lots of gear that I can use in the mountains,
but I know I'm going to need two pieces of alpine equipment right away:
an ice axe and crampons.

Can anyone suggest a good, all-purpose mountaineering axe? How drooped
should I get the head? Should I get one with a smooth shaft or a
rubber grip? Similarly, any suggestions for a good first pair of
crampons. How many points? What sort of binding?

Thanks in advance to any respondants.

A. Bradley


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