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Note 44.367 MOUNT-L 367 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 67 lines 3-MAY-1994 13:20
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 67 lines 3-MAY-1994 13:20
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=EDU::4=METU::4=CC::4=VM::6=owner-mount-l"
Subj: Dr. Houstons book HIGH ALTITUDE

From: NAME: Mountaineering Discussion List MOUNT-L
NAME: Stritar

X-Posting-Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 15:36:23 EDT
Original_From: Stuart Milligan
Comments: To:
Original_To: Multiple recipients of list MOUNT-L

Date: 27-Apr-1994
Posted-date: 27-Apr-1994

This is not an advertisement - just a brief mini-book review. I've just
finished reading Charles Houston's book HIGH ALTITUDE: ILLNESS AND WELLNESS
THE HISTORY AND PREVENTION OF A KILLER. Here is a book you can read quickly
(under 70p) and glean a whole lot of information about the inner workings of
your body at sea level and at altitude. It is rich in history, highlighting
very early written accounts of medical problems experienced at altitude;
moves into descriptions of bodily functions such as ventilation, blood
circulation, body fluids and cells; culminating in important information
about various mountain sicknesses and how to stay well at high altitude.

All of this is done without the pretention of multi-syllabic words so common
to the medical profession or lack of personal wonder at the intricacies of
the human body. Dr. Houston is to be lauded for his clear writings and for
suggesting unknown areas of research that yet need to be done. I easily
commend this book to your reading whether or not you ever plan to go to
high altitudes. I found pages 43-69 particularly useful to my climbing
experience. The process of acclimatization is explained nicely. The beauty
of such a work is that you can prepare and better control the unexpected if
it should arise, and instead of being a senseless victim of events beyond
your control, you will be more attuned to potential body dangers and learn
to make better decisions at those crucial moments that will keep you from
being just another fatal statistic in the mountaineering annuls. At least
your survival chances will be greatly enhanced if you follow the advice Dr.
Houston wisely provides.

It is published by ICS Books, Inc., 1370 E. 86th Place, Merrillville, IN,
46410, (800)-541-7323. The cost is a mere $6.99.

"whether to paddle with oar against the flow is the question" -SM
____________________ __
| \______________________BBBBBBB________________________| |
| Stuart Milligan || BBBBBBBB | |
| Drake Memorial Library || SSSS U U BB BB NN N Y Y | |
| SUNY at Brockport || S U U BBBBBBBB N N N Y Y | |
| Brockport, NY 14420 || SSSS U U BBBBBBB N N N YYY | |
| (716)395-2508:FAX 5651 || S U U BBBBBBBB N N N Y | |
| |> ___||_________________BBBBBBBB_______________________| |
|____________________/ BBBBBBB |__|
paddles break mountains quake


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