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Note 44.418 MOUNT-L 418 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 23 lines 16-AUG-1994 08:27
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 23 lines 16-AUG-1994 08:27
Subj: Mount Shasta

Date: 13-Aug-1994
Posted-date: 13-Aug-1994

I'm interested to get up Shasta before the summer ends (before end-Sept).

Please describe the trip. I'd like to do it in a weekend if possible.

I've heard there is a trail pretty much to the top. I don't want
anything technical. I've also heard there is ice/snow up there which
requires crampons but not ropes. True?

What would be a good strategy? I've considered going on the next full moon,
arriving at the base in the early night (11PMish) and hiking up pretty
far, say to 10,000 ft. Then stop for a few hours sleep and then on to
the top. Then back down in one shot. Any ideas?

Also- I have an 8 year old son whom I'd like to take along. Does anyone
know where I can get crampons for him?



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