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Note 44.424 MOUNT-L 424 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 50 lines 7-SEP-1994 08:09
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 50 lines 7-SEP-1994 08:09
Subj: Mt. Rainier

Posted-date: 05-Sep-1994

I noticed some of the conversations that were traveling about
concerning Mt. Rainier so I thought that I would add to the story. I
have just returned from a trip on the mountian. I was there with another
friend during the time of August 14-16, 1994. We traveled the DC route.
Conditions on the mountian were excelent. The only possible hazards that
we saw were lots of rock fall and soft snow conditions on areas
surrounding crevases. We started at Paradise somewhere around 10:00am
leaving for Camp Muir. The entire area under 7000ft was under the cloud
layer. As soon as we crossed Pebble Creek the clouds broke to expose the
summit. Crampons were not necessary, but trecking poles rented from RMI
were quit helpful. I recomed using poles on the hike to Camp Muir. We
arrived at Muir somewhere arround 7pm. We underestimated the climb. Due
to our condition, we chose to lounge arround Muir for a day and make a
bid for the summit the following morning. We ate well and woke at
12:30am. Do not start for the summit any time after 2am. We roped up
and used crampons from Muir to the summit. There are two rock bands
(Cathedral Rocks and Disappointment Cleaver) that we crossed with our
crampons on. The only tricky point on the route was the crossing of
Disappointment Cleaver. Find the wands and trust them. The top of the
cleaver is halfway to the summit from Muir. The terain gets very steep
from there. After a long 2000ft climb from the cleaver we made the
summit. The register is on a rock located at the other side of the
crater near the Columbia Crest. On the way down, I fell through a false
floor into a crevasse. I fell through only to my waist where I caught
myself with my axe. The only reason for the floor to give way was that
the sun was hot and had softened the snow. Be careful on the decent for
this reason. Once back at Camp Muir we packed our things and set out for
Paradise. Sleding was easy on the Snowfield. We arrived back at the car
somewhere arround 11pm. You could make your day easier if you chose to
stay an extra day at Muir.
If you want a guide, RMI provides services. I recomend to do it
on your own, unless you have no glacier rescue knowledge. RMI opens at
9am; 206-569-2227. Their rental prices are very reasonable. We rented
poles for $4 for two days. They rent all types of gear. The earliest
that you can get a camping permit from the forest service is 9am;
206-569-2211. Be sure to take lots of sunscreen, food, and lots of
I'm sure that all that visit the park find something
interestering to do. If you are going for Muir, watch out for day-hikers
on the snowfield. Have fun.

Mark "Indy" Allen


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