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Note 44.442 MOUNT-L 442 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 27 lines 11-OCT-1994 07:56
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 27 lines 11-OCT-1994 07:56
Subj: Alpine Packs

Date: 05-Oct-1994
Posted-date: 05-Oct-1994

Does anyone have any recommendations on alpine packs?

I've got a Mountainsmith Telemark ('92) with about 3200 - 3600 cu. in.
capacity that has worked ok for mixed climbs carrying about 40 pounds
of rope, snow, ice and rock pro. But because I have a relatively long
torso, I've got to carry all the weight from my shoulders!

I'd like
1. more volume: about 4000 - 4500 cu. in.
2. attacments & loops for two tools
3. crampon patch
4. lots of attacment points/ dassey chain
5. floating top & large snow skirt for large loads
6. double bottom
7. taped seams
8. a means to adjust suspension to insure hip belt can actually be
positioned over my hips.

Any recommendations or cautions?


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