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Note 44.482 MOUNT-L 482 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 60 lines 4-JAN-1995 11:34
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 60 lines 4-JAN-1995 11:34
Subj: Climbing down internet Ecuador and down intern

Date: 03-Jan-1995
Posted-date: 03-Jan-1995

Climbing in Ecuador is sure to be an exciting adventure. Though I haven't
done any climbing there, I have friends who have climbed in both the
eastern and western Cordillera, doing well-known peaks such as Cotapaxi,
Chimborazo (neat climb), Antisana, Iliniza Norte and Iliniza Sur and
Cayambe. Many of them are volcanic peaks and heavily glaciated. Altitude
ailments (AMS, HAPE, HACE, etc.) are rather common there. Best to ascend
gradually in expeditionary style.

I can recommend a couple of guide books your son might want to get his
hands on. The first one is CLIMBING AND HIKING IN ECUADOR by Rob
Rachowiecki and Betsy Wagenhauser. It's published by Bradt Publications
and is available in the US thru Hunter Publishing USA. The second has no
photographs, only hand drawings of peaks and routes on them. It's title
PLAGIARISM by Michael Koerner and published by Buzzard Mountaineering in
1976. The second is a bit dated and somewhat out-of-the-ordinary.

As to climbing peaks in the Pennine Alps, I can speak from experience.
I spent three days hanging out on the east face of the Matterhorn waiting
for the weather to break. As soon as I descended back to Zermatt, the
weather finally cleared. Rather than go back up there on the Hornli ridge
route (standard route), we headed down valley toward Visp and stopped at
a small pasture village called Randa and decided to climb the Dom. That
was a great peak to do (higher than the Matterhorn, just under 15,000 feet)
and, to me, more satisfying than the Matterhorn. The views of the Matter-
horn, Weisshorn, Taschhorn, Lenzspitze and others in the Mischabel range
were simply spectacular. The climb is hard and arduous. It's usually
done in three days. We did it in one push taking 23 and 1/2 hours. It is
the highest peak lying entirely within Swiss borders. The Monte Rosa is
higher, but lies half in Italy and only half in Switzerland.

Hope this is helpful to you. If you need more information, contact me
for details. the best guide books I've seen for doing peaks in the
Pennine Alps are published by the Alpine Club of London and are available
thru West Col Productions. PENNINE ALPS EAST covers Saas and Mischabel
chains; PENINE ALPS CENTRAL covers peaks such as the Matterhorn, Monte
Rosa, Weisshorn (a great climb!); PENNINE ALPS WEST. I have these volumes.
There's great climbing in them thar alps. Enjoy.

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