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Note 44.513 MOUNT-L 513 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 44 lines 18-JAN-1995 07:52
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 44 lines 18-JAN-1995 07:52
Posted-date: 17-Jan-1995

Reply --

I appreciate the responses on my inquiry of RMI; each has been
informative on one or more aspects of the subject (i.e. quality of
instruction, conditioning for the course, risk, etc.). As to
conditioning, I swim 2 miles/wk, run 12 miles/wk and climb
1-2/day. It appears, from the responses received, that I will have
to step up the program.
As to risk, while I am not yet familiar with the risks of the
alpine setting, I do understand the results of bad judgment in the
context of rockclimbing. Three years ago I took a 40' leader fall
when a flexible friend popped from the non-parallel crack in which
I placed it. I knew the placement was poor and probably would not
hold a fall, but I was so confident (arrogantly so) that I did not
bother to change/backup/improve the the protection. What I did not
know was that the next hold (which was slightly out of sight) was
wet. My hand slipped, the pro popped, and I hit a protruding
I suffered a burst fracture of L-1. Two opertions later, and with
more hardware in me than a True-Value store, I am climbing again.
Now, when I climb, my judgments about the appropriateness of a
route, my placements, the anchors I choose, and the qualities of
my partner (among other issues) is informed by that experience.
I suspect I will carry the lessons of that experience with me as
I move-up to the alpine arena.
As for the course/guide we choose to start these new adventures,
I intend , based upon the comments received, to convince my
partner that AAI deserves serious consideration. Thanks for the

*======== Regarding ========*

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 14:55:40 EST

> I echo those who underscore need for follow up training after >
> one has been with RMI. .... Ideally, one who is interested in
> alpine/glacier travel would take a more thorough course rather
> than a one/two day training that RMI provides. ..... > There
> is much more one needs to be a mountaineer, but I have seen


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