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Razmere v gorah

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Note 44.68 MOUNT-L 68 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 55 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:01
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 55 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:01
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 21:06:12 CST
Reply-To: "Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'"
Sender: "Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'"
Subject: Winter camping for Southerners

Be advised that it will be cold enough to kill you dead as nails. You should
be well versed in hypothermia, frostbite, layering, mental conditioning,
whiteout, snow blindness, and the ever present snow snakes.
It is considered good form to walk backward while urinating as the afore-
mentioned liquids can literally freeze faster than you can expel them and
internal freezing can result leaving you in serious trouble whilst in the
middle of a frosty hell.
"Southern by the grace of God" is not a stupid expression - a truism you
will realize by the time you complete this little jaunt.
As a rule of thumb, plan to carry much more weight and allow extra time.
Down is warmer (if it's dry) and wool is warm even if it's wet providing
it's worn close enough to the body and isn't frozen stiff as last week's
grits. Consider a synthetic bag if you'll be staying in snow caves. They
can be considerably warmer than tents and much better if high wind condtions
exist. (Be sure and ventilate the structure.) A good e-tool or snow shovel
is handy as is a set of wet weather gear when digging these ice tombs.
(Again, STAY DRY!) Clothing with good wicking properties is invaluable.
'Gaitors (not 'gators) are a must, as is good quality footwear, i.e.,
vapor barrier boots, or properly treated leather and synthetics with
poly socks and cotton/wool liners. (Budgets must take a lower priority
than normal in this sort of excursion; I found that any bucks back in
my bank were of inferior insulating quality.) A good set of trails
(snowshoes) are a must. Don't frick around with bearpaws or trappers
as they will force you to walk with your feet further apart than normal.
With the accompanying appendage lashed to your back, this will cause you
to experience a rather sort of private hell in the groin area and you will
soon find your gnads in your watch pocket. Trappers and bearpaws are good
only in limited areas of operation.
Consider your diet carefully and be aware of the increased caloric intake
required in this environment. (I've always had good luck with high fat,
high complex carbohydrate, high protein types.) Remember that you'll
dehydrate faster than you will in South Georgia on the Fourth of July.
Melted snow is counterproductive as it takes too much core temperature to
eat adequate amounts (not to mention possible trots you may put yourself
at risk with eating unseen nasties) and melting/boiling it takes more
stove fuel than you'll want to carry. Take lots of water, start off with
it hot, or in an insulated carrier to stave off freezing it into useless
blocks. Wear it close to the body if possible.
Get past all these little goodies and you'll have a great time. Good luck
and watch the exposed flesh and extremities. This general advice worked
well for me as native Louisianian in Alaska for 3 years as a grunt.

Doug Strain
Ruston, La.


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