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petek 24.maj 2024 - 02:31 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Novejši prispevki: (30)

Note 44.85 MOUNT-L 85 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 64 lines 7-MAR-1992 13:52
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 64 lines 7-MAR-1992 13:52
Let me try to answer to my questions from previous note. Answers are valid
for mountains of Slovenia.

Are there mountain huts in your country?

Yes, there are quite many huts in the region of Julian and Kamnik Alps and
Karavanke mountain range.

Who is operating them?

They were constructed and are operated by different mountain clubs.

How are they financed?

Usually they are self financed from the profit of selling food, drinks and
offering logging. Often the hut is rented to some private person, who then
takes care for the management. This has some drawbacks, however, because
often there is too much effort given in making profit, than taking care of
basic needs of mountaineers.

Is there a permanent staff in them?

Yes, they are normally staffed.

During which period of the year are they opened?

Topically from late June to the middle of September. Some huts are opened
during the whole year.

Is there typically a winter room in the hut, that is opened through the
whole year?

In approximately half of huts there are winter rooms.

How is such a winter room typically equipped?

Several beds, some blankets, no oven.

Are there any small shelters like bivouacs or lean-tos in your

There are 5 bivouacs in remote high regions of Julian Alps and 5 in Kamnik
Alps. Most of them are far from marked trails and therefore serve

Who is operating and financing them?

They were all build by mountaineering clubs.

How are they equipped?

Bivouac is a small wooden hut, covered with metal lining. There are from 4
to 8 beds in it and some blankets.

Are they permanently opened or do you have to get the key somewhere in the

Only few of them are locked and you have to bring the key with you from the

Andrej Stritar, Ljubljana, Slovenia


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