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Note 44.86 MOUNT-L 86 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 25 lines 7-MAR-1992 13:54
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 25 lines 7-MAR-1992 13:54

Date: 07-Mar-1992
Posted-date: 07-Mar-1992

Fellow climbers
Yes, I know I've seen the poor bloke somewhere in New England who
lost both legs to frostbite and continues to climb with artificial
limbs, but I'd be interested to hear about any of you out there who've
worn out medial meniscus, lumbar and sacral discs, etc. and have found
some way to deal with generally watching younger, better heeled breeds
march merrily off into the hinterland to gallop amongst the ridges and
classic alpine communities of days gone by.

Darned if I wouldn't trade my rusting, locking Stubai's for a bottle of
Grand Marnier and a healthy female equipped with a decent set of climbing
thighs and ONE LAST CLIMB. But chances are it ain't gonna happen.

Any thoughts from any other has-beens out there? Any one seen any
left-overs bumming around Muldrow Glacier as make-believe Sherpas?



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