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Note 44.95 MOUNT-L 95 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 51 lines 28-APR-1992 10:53
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 51 lines 28-APR-1992 10:53
Date: 27-Apr-1992
Posted-date: 27-Apr-1992


My fiancee and I are going on a kind of 'active holiday' around Europe
this summer (Jul/Aug). Although we both rock climb, we have little
experience in trekking and mountaineering (hence this e-mail).
I have quite a few questions and would be grateful for any answers.


We are thinking of exploring the south of Norway for about a week,
followed by a week in the Pyrenees, a week in the Calanques Marseillaises,
a few days around Annecy and finally around a week in the Valais (Switz.)

Does anyone have any recommendations of things to do?
We are mainly interested in rock climbing and maybe trekking through the
mountains. We are not thinking of doing any snow or ice climbing, we don't
have the equipment.
Also, if you know of any nice things to see (monuments, parks, ruins, etc)
in the areas above, the information would be welcome.

What equipment?

There seems to be an overwelming amount of choice.

Backpack: we tried out quite a few, and liked the Lowe Alpine Cerro Torre
I & II best. Any recommendations?
Sleeping bag: bearing in mind that we'll be mainly in warm climates and
not too often at high altitudes, how much cold should
our bags be able to withstand? Also, any suggestions of
which make to go for?
Shoes: couldn't try any yet because the summer models hadn't arrived,
still, any ideas?
Walking sticks: I read in an article that these new telescopic walking
sticks were a very handy piece of equipment,
is this correct?
Tents: what should we take?

I'd be very grateful for any advice on these subjects or indeed anything
else you think we should know. Are there any good books or guides you would

Thank you for reading this far,

Yours faithfully,
Paul Clip.


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